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Written by Thursday, 24 January 2019 Published in News




1.        Requests for renewal have been received from few of the Instructors/ Assistant Instructors who are holding YAI Training Scheme certificates which have expired and are no longer valid. As a onetime measure, all Instructors/ Assistant Instructors who are holding expired certificates may get them validated by:-

(a)     Attending a Re-validation course scheduled from              25 Feb 19 to 27 Feb 19 at INWTC (Mumbai).

(b)     Depositing a fee of Rs. 5,000/- directly in to                        “YAI Connect to Sailing Account”.

2.      All such Instructors/ Assistant Instructors seeking re-validation of certificates must register their names by sending a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1030 h on 20 Feb 19 in the enclosed format. No Registrations will be accepted after 1030 h on 20 Feb 19.

3.      No revalidation of certificates will be entertained after 20 Feb 19. Any Instructors/ Assistant Instructors having a certificate with expired validity after 20 Feb 19 will have to undergo the Assistant Instructor’s course again by paying the appropriate course fee. Detailed policy/ guideline for certification of YAI Training Schemes will be put up on the YAI Website shortly.  

                                                                   Director Training

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Written by Wednesday, 09 January 2019 Published in News


Please click on the link below for Ranking of Senior and Youth as on 09 Jan 19 :-

Ranking of Senior as on 09 Jan 19

Ranking of Youth as on 09 Jan19

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