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Written by Friday, 04 January 2019 Published in News

Moderate winds of 8-10 knots with slight swell greeted the fleets as they headed out to their respective race areas outside of Chennai Port. Mohammed Afendy (MAS), the PRO was a happy person returning ashore after the day’s proceeding where all three scheduled races were completed on time.

The Jury is composed of Giorgio Davanzo (ITA) IJ, Jeong Sungchul (KOR) IJ/ IU, Jerrold Ng (SGP) IJ, Boguslaw (POL) IJ, Capt Patankar (IND) IU and Capt Jaiswal (IND) NJ. Medal races have been scheduled for 06 Jan 2019.


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Written by Friday, 04 January 2019 Published in News

After a tricky day yesterday with light and fluky winds, Day 2 turned out to be the one which all the sailors want – a chance, with near-perfect conditions of 8 – 12 knots and sun. They were all so keen to get into the action that there were two general recalls on the day in the Opti and Laser 4.7 fleets, but when the rush settled down the Race Committee went ahead to complete four more races and leave things very finely balanced going into the final five races of the championships.

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