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Written by Wednesday, 19 December 2018 Published in News

Indian Naval Sailing Team represented by Lt Cdr K Sai Anand, Rahul Rai CPO, Imo Lemnok CPO, Praveen Kumar PO and Virendra Singh PO won a Bronze medal at the Guangzhou Nansha International Regatta 2018 at Guangzhou City, China. The Championship was conducted in one-design Far East 26 class of boat from 07 to 10 December 2018. The Gold medal was bagged by Hong Kong, while Singapore won the Silver medal.

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Written by Wednesday, 12 December 2018 Published in News


The ‘Power Boat’ Instructor course and ‘Dinghy Instructor’ course will be conducted at INWTC (Mbi) from 21 Jan – 27 Jan 19. All qualified Assistant Instructors in Power Boat and Dinghies may apply by sending a mail to Director Training YAI by 10 Jan 19. All applicants to forward a list of personnel trained till date after qualifying Assistant Instructor course. Applicants desirous of applying for the course are to fill up the attached form and pay the applicable fees (Rs 12,500/-) on line / through cheque or DD to YAI as per details given below:-  

Name of Account holder    -           YAI – CONNECT TO SAILING ACCOUNT

Account Number                  -           00940100011874

Type of A/C                           -           SSB

Bank/Branch Address         -           Chanakya Puri New Delhi 110021

IFSC Code                            -           BARB0CHANAK (fifth character is zero)

MICR Code                           -           110012012


The Registration Form is attached below:-

Registration Form

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