

Nam nascetur mi at felis interdum adipiscing dolor ipsum tellus feugiat. Sed enim purus amet Vestibulum urna In tempor id elit congue. Sit facilisi neque a Duis lacinia massa Curabitur tempor condimentum et. Eget felis arcu nunc amet Curabitur elit lacinia netus semper Aliquam. Nullam Maecenas vel Sed consequat pede rhoncus faucibus vitae velit ante. Leo fames et Vestibulum Nulla ac Donec ac eu eu.

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Written by Thursday, 06 December 2018 Published in News

The venue for 50th AGM on 20 Dec 18 is attached for your information.


Venue for 50th AGM 2018

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Written by Tuesday, 27 November 2018 Published in News

Please find below the qualification criteria and eligibility code for participating in the 36th National Games,scheduled to be held in Goa from 30 Mar-14 Apr 19.


National Games Qualification Criteria

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