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Thursday, 07 February 2019 00:00


The Yachting Association of India requires highly experienced coach to be appointed as Chief National Coach. He shall be responsible for overall direction and supervision of high performance program from youth through to Olympics.

The coach shall be responsible for setting goals for athletes in the National program and in conjunction with the Selection Committee assist in preparation of international events program. He will also assist the Selection Committee in developing athlete selection criteria.

The coach shall also assist in planning of yearly training and competition program and directing its operation within the allocated budget. The coach will also assist in selection, supervision and mentoring of coaches within the high-performance program, mentoring and discipline of athletes where required. He will be required to update the stakeholders (including parents) on the program.

The Chief National Coach shall also be responsible for compilation and submission of yearly budget for training and competition, equipment and coaching and reporting on performance of athletes and the team and the program as required.

The initial contract will be for a two-year period and can be extended for further duration depending on achievements of performance goals.

The Coach will be paid 40% of the coaching fee/ salary in Indian currency and 60% in USD.

The Coach will also be provided air passage (Economy Class) for self and his wife and one dependent child from Hometown to Headquarters in India and on the termination/ expiry of the Contract from Headquarters in India to Hometown by the direct route or the shortest route preferably through Air India along with the cost of transportation of 40 Kgs of personal baggage, per person, over and above the free allowance baggage permitted by the Air India, on the air ticket, but limited to 120 Kgs extra baggage for the entire family.

The Coach will be entitled to a maximum of 30 days leave per annum calculated on a pro-rata basis. The leave may be taken by the Coach subject to the requirements of his assignments and prior approval of the YAI/ Appointing Authority. The Coach will also be allowed holidays, on prescribed National holidays declared as such by the Govt. of India.

Please submit resume with full details of coaching experience and expected remuneration by 15 Feb 2019 at following address:-

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Two referees will be required and references will be taken up after interview.

Interviews may be undertaken in India at no cost to the YAI.

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Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:00




1.        Requests for renewal have been received from few of the Instructors/ Assistant Instructors who are holding YAI Training Scheme certificates which have expired and are no longer valid. As a onetime measure, all Instructors/ Assistant Instructors who are holding expired certificates may get them validated by:-

(a)     Attending a Re-validation course scheduled from              25 Feb 19 to 27 Feb 19 at INWTC (Mumbai).

(b)     Depositing a fee of Rs. 5,000/- directly in to                        “YAI Connect to Sailing Account”.

2.      All such Instructors/ Assistant Instructors seeking re-validation of certificates must register their names by sending a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1030 h on 20 Feb 19 in the enclosed format. No Registrations will be accepted after 1030 h on 20 Feb 19.

3.      No revalidation of certificates will be entertained after 20 Feb 19. Any Instructors/ Assistant Instructors having a certificate with expired validity after 20 Feb 19 will have to undergo the Assistant Instructor’s course again by paying the appropriate course fee. Detailed policy/ guideline for certification of YAI Training Schemes will be put up on the YAI Website shortly.  

                                                                   Director Training

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Wednesday, 09 January 2019 00:00


Please click on the link below for Ranking of Senior and Youth as on 09 Jan 19 :-

Ranking of Senior as on 09 Jan 19

Ranking of Youth as on 09 Jan19

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