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Thursday, 06 July 2017 00:00


A mass athlete awareness program has been launched by NADA to spread awareness regarding ill effects of doping. All Member Clubs are to incorporate mandatory anti-doping awareness programme and educate sailors participating in various national/ranking events. In addition, all Member Clubs need to ensure that the athlete declaration form mentioned in the link below be signed by every sailor prior to participation in national/ranking event. 

Athlete Declaration Form

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Wednesday, 07 June 2017 00:00

Cmde Atul Anand, VSM has taken over as Hon Secretary General YAI from R Admiral Dhiren Vig on 02 Jun 17. While handing over the responsibility after an exceptional tenure of five years, he thanked the Yachting Community for their unstinted support. He  also wished all sailors good luck and fair winds.

Cmde Atul Anand carries the experience of having served as the HSG of the federation during 2009 - 2011. On assuming the responsibility, he highlighted that he would work towards ensuring talented yachtspersons of the country are fully supported in a fair and transparent manner by the YAI in order to ensure a podium finish for the country in multiple categories.    

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Friday, 05 May 2017 00:00

The Council meeting of the Yachting Association of India (YAI) was held at New Delhi on 01 May 2017. Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Chief of the Naval Staff and President YAI chaired the meeting. Important issues including affiliation of member clubs, roadmap to promote yachting in India and various other issues were discussed during the meeting.

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