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Tuesday, 28 March 2017 00:00

1. During the YAI Council Meeting held on 23 Jan 17, appointment of Chairman of various Committees was discussed and approved by the President YAI. The President further directed that the Chairmen of various committees take urgent action to constitute their own committees.

2. In order to complete the process of formation of Committees / Sub Committees appointed by the YAI, volunteers were sought from amongst Life Associate Members of the YAI for appointment to various Committees / Sub Committees as per article 19.3 of YAI General Rules (Constitution).

3. The names of volunteers received at YAI Sectt to serve on various YAI Committees and Sub Committees were forwarded to the YAI Council Members to seek their approval. The recommendations of Chairman of various committees and Sub Committees have been approved by the President YAI. The constitution of various YAI Committees / Sub Committees are available on the link below.

Committees and Sub Committees

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Monday, 20 March 2017 00:00



A NJ Clinic is being organised by the YAI at Mumbai during 19 – 20 Apr 17.

Candidates should have experience of Judging. Clinic is based on the World Sailing International Judging Manual and knowledge of the Racing Rules of Sailing is mandatory. Existing National Judges are encouraged to attend as a refresher.

There is an exam associated with the Clinic and a pass is one of the requirements for the NJ qualification. The pass mark for the examination is set at 85%. 

The closing date for applications to attend the National Judge Clinic is 07 Apr 17 and a Clinic cost of Rs. 3,500/- must be paid along with the application. The filled in applications are to be forwarded to YAI Secretariat.The application form can be downloaded from the link below.


Race Management Application

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Tuesday, 07 March 2017 00:00

 The Nexa P1 Powerboat Indian Grand Prix of the Seas, conducted under the aegis of YAI, is an extension of YAI vision of developing and promoting the maritime sport in India on sea and in-land waters. The P1 Powerboat Racing event was held off the Marine Drive promenade, Mumbai from 03-05 Mar 2017.

“A high octane adventure sport on water”, the best speedboats from over the world participated in the race. The P1 boats can reach maximum speed of 120 km/hr on water. The YAI is looking forward to welcoming new water sports enthusiasts to the yachting fraternity."

The Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM), the World Powerboat racing body to which YAI is an affiliate member strongly supported the racing event in India.

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