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Tuesday, 16 January 2018 00:00

As discussed during the recently concluded AGM, after due deliberations and in consultation with various stakeholders. It has been decided to conduct the Selection Trials for the Asian Sailing Championship and Asian Games 2018 at Chennai during end Mar to mid Apr 2018. It will be endevour of the YAI to ensure that the event is officiated by qualified technical officials and their availability is being ascertained.

Upon receiving confirmation of the International Technical Officials, the Notice of Race for the Selection Regatta 2018 will be issued.

We wish all aspiring sailors all the very best.

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Wednesday, 10 January 2018 00:00

World Sailing Race Management Seminar

World Sailing Race Management Seminar is scheduled to be held from 10 to 13 Mar 18 at National Sailing Centre, Singapore. The fee for the seminar is SGD321 and the final date for the registration is 17 Feb 18.  For futher details please refer to the following link mentioned below: 

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Thursday, 28 December 2017 00:00

The 49th Annual General Meeting of the Yachting Association of India was held on 18 Dec 17 at 1400hrs at New Delhi. Large number of Affiliated Member Clubs, Life & Annual Associate members attended the meeting. Important issues including the Selection trials for the forthcoming Asian Games were discussed during the meeting. The President YAI also awarded the YAI Annual  awards during the AGM.



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