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Friday, 08 December 2017 00:00

A NJ and NRO Clinic is being organised by the YAI at Krishnapatnam during 25-26 Dec 2017.

NJ and NRO Clinic is based on the World Sailing International Judging Manual,ISAF Race Management Guide and knowledge of the Racing Rules of Sailing is mandatory. Existing National Judges and National Race Officers are encouraged to attend as a refresher.There is an exam associated with the Clinic and a pass is one of the requirements for the NJ and NRO qualification. The pass mark for the examination is set at 85%.The closing date for applications to attend the National Judge Clinic and National Race Officers Clinic is 23 Dec 17 and a Clinic cost of Rs. 1000/- must be paid along with the application. The filled in applications are to be e-mailed to YAI Secretariat with a copy to Clinic Coordinator Mr Mylai Prabhakar at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;.  The application form can be downloaded from the link below.


Race Official Clinic Application Form

NJ Clinic Application Form

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Thursday, 16 November 2017 00:00

The 49th General Body Meeting of the Members of the Yachting Association of India will be held on Monday, 18 December 2017 at 1400hrs at Varunika, ChanakyaBagh, Chanakyapuri New Delhi   to  transact important businesses    such as Consideration and adoption of Annual report and approval of audited Balance Sheet for FY 2016-17.

All Affiliated Member Clubs and Life/Annual Associate members of the Association are welcome to attend the meeting. 

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Wednesday, 08 November 2017 00:00

1. The Annual awards for the year 2017 will be awarded during the forthcoming AGM. All stakeholders are requested to forward Nominations for YAI Annual Awards for the year 2017 in the prescribed format (attached) duly signed by the President / Vice President / Commodore/Vice Commodore of the Member Club, to reach this office latest by 20 Nov 2017.The nominations are to include copies of certificates, brief write up on achievements of the individual(s) and any other documents along with recent passport size/action photo. The guidelines for YAI awards are attached for reference. 

2.         The list of Annual Awards is as follows:-

(a)   YAI Life Time Achievement Award. 

(b)   Admiral Kohli Trophy.  

(c)   Admiral RH Tahiliani Trophy.  

(d)   Admiral Nadkarni Trophy.

(e)   Engineer-in-Chief’s Trophy.

(f)    Admiral Ramdas Trophy. 

(g)   Race Official Trophy.

(h)   Admiral RK Dhowan Trophy

3.Nominations will be considered by the YAI Awards Committee, only if hard copies are received by due date in YAI Secretariat.

4. The YAI Annual Awards nomination proforma is attached in the link below:

YAI Annual Awards Proforma


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