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Wednesday, 12 March 2014 00:00

The Yachting Association of India invites Bids for supply of  Items to prepare its teams for participation in Asian Games 2014.

Please note that the last date for receiving the Bids is 1100 hrs on 31 Mar 2014 The sealed Bid should reach by the due date and time. The responsibility to ensure this lies with the Bidder.

Bids will be opened at 1200 hrs on 02 Apr 2014. If due to any exigency, the due date for opening of the Bids is declared a closed holiday, the Bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time or on any other day/time, and shall be intimated.

The TE’s may be downloaded from the link provided below.

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Friday, 07 March 2014 00:00

In 2007 Rajen Shah, after his retirement decided to build a catamaran in India which would allow him to sail in shallow waters off South Gujarat coast and could be beached or grounded when required, since there are no marinas as yet where he could be berth the boat safely.

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Monday, 03 March 2014 12:03

The YAI Council met in New Delhi on 10 February 2014 and has approved the proposal of Chairman SPDC to conduct selection trials for Asian Games 2014. The Notice of Race for Asian Games Selection Regatta 2014 to be held at Visakhapatnam during 05 to 17 April 2014 has been issued and can be downloaded from the link provided below.

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