YAI Annual Awards 2017

Written by  Wednesday, 13 December 2017 00:00

The YAI Awards Sub Committee has approved the following awards to the awardees:

1. E-in-C Trophy                                              - Ms. Ramya Sarvanan

2. Race Official Trophy                                    - Capt T Jaiswal;

                                                                            Mr Ajit Diaz;

                                                                            Col Satish Kumar Kanwar

3.Admiral RH Tahiliani Trophy                         - Ms Harshita Tomar

 4.Admiral Nadkarni Trophy                             - Mr Ram Milan Yadav

                                                                           Hav. Prince Noble

5. Admiral RK Dhowan Trophy                        - NSS Bhopal


Read 957 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 18:12

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