Results - NROs and NJs Clinic at Krishnapatnam

Written by  Tuesday, 13 March 2018 00:00

Clinic for National Judges (NJs) and National Race Officers (NROs) was conducted at Krishnapatnam from 25-27 Dec17. Forty participants were evaluated through an examination. Based on the results, the following have been appointed as NJs/ NROs for a period of four years wef. 06 Mar 2018.

 National Race Officers

         - Ramlal, CH MECH (AL) 

         - Mr Mylai Prabhakar 

         - Captain Ajay Narang 

         - Kiran Kumar, Hav 

         -Slt Praveen Prabhakar

  National Judges

     -  Lt Col S Siwatch

     -  Lt Col Deepak Singh Dikhit (Retd)

     - Col Satish Kumar Kanwar

     - Capt Tribhuwan Jaiswal




Read 1853 times Last modified on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 17:04

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