Written by  Monday, 27 May 2019 00:00

Dear Yachting Enthusiasts,

After successfully completing the campaign for Asian Games 2018 as the Honorary Secretary General of the YAI and a few other initiatives to propel the sport of yachting to greater heights, I have now completed my mandate with the Federation and will be taking up my next career challenge.

My ambition, during this second innings as the HSG, after my earlier tenure during Oct 2009 to Dec 2011, was to ensure that we produce the best possible results in the history of our participation in the Asian Games so that we can make sailing attractive to the youth in the country.

It has been a distinct honour and a pleasure to serve the YAI as its Honorary Secretary General for over two years during this tenure. During this period, we have seen our yachtspersons win a record number of medals at the Asian Games 2018 and several other events. We have also very significantly enhanced our sports governance agenda, as well as the level of funding, partnerships and the outreach of YAI.

I am extremely happy to state that we have made extraordinary strides in improving the performance of our young sailors, and we are now witnessing tangible results from our collective efforts. Amongst many other successes, one can very proudly name; winning 3 medals at the Asian Sailing Championships 2018 at Jakarta, Indonesia, 05 medals in Oman National Championships 2018 and 3 medals in the Asian Games 2018. We have also started a few more ranking events in the recent past at Hyderabad, Marve and Goa. The India International Regatta continues to attract participation from a large number of countries and I am sure it will become even more popular in the years ahead.

I would like to extend my very sincere thanks to the President YAI, for his valuable guidance and unstinted support throughout my tenure.

My heartfelt appreciation to all the members of the YAI Council who have actively supported me in all my endeavors. I would also like to thank the numerous friends I made during this journey in various Clubs/ Associations.

I would of course, be failing in my duty, if I do not acknowledge the unstinted support rendered by the HJSG and the entire Secretariat team that enjoys the confidence of the yachting fraternity. I am also proud to be leaving the YAI and its Secretariat in a very strong position.

I will continue to be available in contact on my existing coordinates and I hope to be able to contribute for the betterment of sailing in India in the future. I am sanguine that my successor Cmde Dinesh Singh will continue to receive the wholehearted support of the Yachting fraternity and I wish him all the very best for this tenure.

Jai Hind.

Read 1208 times Last modified on Monday, 27 May 2019 11:34

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