Written by  Saturday, 28 March 2020 00:00

Junior Coastal Multiclass Regatta 2020, scheduled 27 Apr-03 May 20 at Marve, Mumbai postponed, fresh dates will be intimated. Cancelled

National Measurers Clinic scheduled 25-26 Apr 20 at Marve, Mumbai postponed, fresh dates will be intimated. Cancelled

All India Board Sailing Championship 2020 and the Multiclass Ranking Zonal Regatta 2020, scheduled 06-10 May 20 at Dona Paula, Goa postponed, fresh dates will be intimated. Cancelled

35th Hyderabad Sailing Week (HSW 2020), scheduled from 05 to 12 Jul 20 postponed. Fresh dates will be intimated. Cancelled

Monsoon Regatta at Hyderabad postponed to 14-20 Aug 20. Cancelled

Bhopal Multiclass Open Championship scheduled from 02 - 07 Aug 20 Cancelled

Read 1390 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 August 2020 16:42

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