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The 49th Annual General Meeting of the Yachting Association of India was held on 18 Dec 17 at 1400hrs at New Delhi. Large number of Affiliated Member Clubs, Life & Annual Associate members attended the meeting. Important issues including the Selection trials for the forthcoming Asian Games were discussed during the meeting. The President YAI also awarded the YAI Annual  awards during the AGM.



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Age Verification Test in accordance with MYAS / SAI directives will be carried out during the YAI National Championship 2017 at Krishnapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The National Code against age fraud in sports is placed at link below:-

The link on YAI Website is :- http://www.yai.org.in/news/item/93-national-code-against-age-fraud-in-sports.html

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21st December 2017 to 25th December 2017

Krishnapatnam Port, Nellore, India

Organizing Authority:- Navayuga Sailing Academy in conjunction with the Yachting Association of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu Sailing Association and the Yachting Association of India (YAI).

Please click here to view complete information.

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