NOR for YAI Senior Nationals from 27 May to 02 Jun 21 at INWTC (MUMBAI)

Written by  Wednesday, 21 April 2021 00:00



(27MAY - 02JUN 21)


The organizing authority (OA) is INWTC (Mbi) in conjunction with the Yachting Association of India (YAI) and Indian Naval Sailing Association (INSA).


  1. Rules

  1. 1.The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 (RRS).

  1. 2.The equipment rules of sailing and current class rules of the competing classes will apply.

  1. 3.In all rules governing this event, the notations;

  1. 4.[DP] denotes a rule for which the penalty is at the discretion of the jury and may be less than a disqualification.

  1. 5.[SP] denotes a rule for which a standard penalty may be applied by the Race Committee or Technical Committee without a hearing or a discretionary penalty applied by the Jury with a hearing. This changes RRS 63.1, A4 and A5.

  1. 6.[NP] denotes a rule that shall not be grounds for protests by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a).

  1. 7.Appendix P of the RRS (Special Procedures for Rule 42) will apply.

  1. 8.If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.

  1. 9.If there is a conflict between a rule in the Notice of Race and a rule in the Sailing Instructions, the rule in Sailing Instructions will take precedence. This changes RRS 63.7.

  1. 10.[DP] [NP] All prevailing Central and State Government SOPs and protocols with regards to COVID -19 shall be strictly adhered to by all personnel when ashore. All Participants, Support Staff and Race Officials are to be in possession of negative RTPCR Report on arrival at the venue (test is to be undertaken within 48 hours of arrival at Mumbai). All such instructions will be prominently displayed on the Notice Board along with Sailing Instructions during Registration. All personnel entering the center must be in possession of face mask, covering their nose and mouth properly. Participants found not wearing face mask will be liable to get penalized on that particular day.

  1. 2.Advertising

[DP] Boats may be required to display advertising provided by the OA.If this rule is broken, World Sailing Regulation 20.9.2 applies. Competitor advertising will be restricted to world sailing regulation 20, Advertising code.

  1. 3.Eligibility and Entry

  1. 3.1.The event will be sailed in the following classes:-

  1. 1.1.Laser Standard (Men)
  2. 1.2.Laser Radial (Women)
  3. 1.3.470 (Men)
  4. 1.4.470 (Mix)
  5. 1.5.470 (Women)
  6. 1.6.49er (Men)
  7. 1.7.49er FX (Women)
  8. 1.8.RS: X (Men)
  9. 1.9.RS: X (Women)

  1. 2.A minimum of five participating boats in a class will be required for the series to be constituted for that class except 49er FX, RS:X (Women),470(Women), 470 (Mixed) and Laser Radial (Women) classes.

  1. 3.Eligible boats are to enter by completing the attached form (Appendix ‘A’) and sending it to INWTC (Mbi) by 10May 21 along with entry fee to be paid in the account mentioned in para5.2. Late entries may be accepted only at the discretion of the OA upon payment of additional late fee charge of Rs 1000.00.

  1. 4.All participants are required to be Life Member/ Annual Associate Member of YAI. Original membership cards are to be produced at the time of registration, failing which, entries will not be accepted.

  1. 5.All participants are required to get their own boats for the event. No boats will be provided by the OA.

  1. 6.Competitors and their support team shall complete an on-site registration at the Race Office. Each team shall be accompanied by the team leader, who may complete the registration on behalf of the team with all necessary documents. The on-site registration of each competitor will not be completed until the measurement form issued by the Technical Committee has been submitted to the Race Office.

  1. 7.All associated clubs/ teams participating in the event are required to carry their club burgee (size – 12 x 18 inches) and submit to the regatta office at the time of registration.

  1. 4.Ranking

  1. 1.The event is a YAI approved Ranking Event and Asian Games Selection trial-1 for Laser Standard, Laser Radial, 470, 49er, 49er FX and RS: X.

  1. 5.Fees

  1. 1.The entry fee for competitors will be as follows:-

Class Entry Fee Late Entry Fee
Single Handed (One Person)    
Double Handed (Two person)    
Coaches/Team Manager/Support staff  

  1. 2.Entry fee is to be paid through NEFT in following account:-

Bank Name Canara Bank
Bank Address Canara Bank, INHS Ashwini, Colaba, Mumbai – 400005
Account Holder (Beneficiary) INWTC (Mbi) Fund
Account Holder (Beneficiary) Address INWTC (Mbi), Pilot Bunder Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400005
Account Number 50712010080063
Bank Branch Code 15071
IFSC Code CNRB0015071

  1. 6.Format

  1. 1.All classes will sail a single series of fleet races each.

  1. 7.Schedule

  1. 1.The venue will be open from 10May 21. Registration and Measurement is scheduled from 0900h to 1730h on 27May 21 and 0900h – 1400h on 28 May 21.

  1. 2.Practice race for all classes is scheduled at 1500h on 28May21.

  1. 3.Briefing for competitors will be held at 1200h on 28May 21 at INWTC (Mbi) boat shed.

  1. 4.The Racing Schedule is as follows:-

Date Event
27May 21 Registration and Measurement
28 May 21 Measurement, Briefing, Sail Parade and Practice Race for all classes
29 - 01Jun 21 Fleet racesfor all classes
02Jun 21 Reserve day/ Prize giving ceremony
  1. 5.[DP] A Sail Parade will be conducted on 28 May 21prior to commencement of practice race, in accordance with directives issued by YAI, to celebrate the 75thYear of Independence of India. It is mandatory for all participants to take part in the Sail Parade. Details of the Sail Parade will be available in the Sailing Instruction.

  1. 6.A total of 12 races per class have been scheduled. Each class is scheduled to sail three races per day but may sail one additional race per day for scheduling reasons.

  1. 7.No warning signal will be made after 1400h on 02 Jun 21.

  1. 8.The prize giving ceremony is scheduled at 1730 h on 02Jun 21 at INWTC (Mbi) followed by High Tea.

  1. 8.Measurements

  1. 1.Measurement certificates are required for the 470& Finn class.

  1. 2.Only class legal hull, sails, spars and foils are allowed to be used for the event.

  1. 3.Boats may be subject to inspection at any time during the event.

  1. 4.[DP] Change of damaged or lost equipment will be allowed only after the approval of technical committee. Such request shall be made to the technical committee at the first reasonable opportunity by filling in a relevant form at the race office. The change of equipment may only be permitted after the technical committee has checked and scrutinized both the damaged and the substituting equipment.

  1. 5.[DP] If any change of equipment was made on water before or between races, both damaged and equipment substituted shall be presented to the technical committee after the end of the day’s racing. Repairs or replacements required afloat may be approved after the race provided that either the race committee or the technical committee afloat is notified before the next race.

  1. 9.Sailing Instructions

  1. 1.The Sailing Instructions will be available after completion of registration on 27 May21.

  1. 10.Venue

  1. 1.The venue for the event will be INWTC (Mbi), Pilot Bunder Road, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005. Maharashtra, India. The racing area will be off Sunk Rock Lighthouse.

  1. 11.Courses

  1. 1.The courses will be as described in the Sailing Instructions.

  1. 12.Penalty System

  1. 1.For the 49er and 49er FX class, RRS 44.1 is changed so that the two turn penalty is replaced by a one turn penalty.

  1. 13.Scoring

  1. 1.RRS B8 is deleted.

  1. 2.Six races are required to be completed in each class to constitute a series.

  1. 3.When fewer than seven races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.

  1. 4.When seven to nine races have been completed a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

  1. 5.When ten or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two worst scores.

  1. 14.[DP] Support Boats

  1. 1.All support boats are to stay at least 100m outside the racing area from the time of the first preparatory signal for the first class to start till completion of racing. Support Boats are to maintain a speed of 5 knots or less, unless otherwise required, when races are ongoing.

  1. 2.Support boats will be marked with their club insignia and need to maintain less than 5 kn speed at all times.

  1. 3.Personnel onboard support vessels are required to wear a life jacket / personal floatation device whilst on water and to be a certified Power Boat Handling Certificate holder from YAI.

  1. 15.[DP] [NP] Berthing

  1. 1.Boats will be kept in the assigned places only, while they are in the Boat Park/INWTC (Mbi) hard.

  1. 16.[DP] [NP] Radio Communication

  1. 1.Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.

  1. 17.Prizes

  1. 1.The top three position winners in each class will be awarded medals. Additional prizes may be awarded by the OA.

  1. 18.Disclaimer of Liability

  1. 1.Competitors will be participating in the championship entirely at their own risk (See Rule 4, Decision to Race). The OA will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

  1. 19.Further Information

  1. 1.For further information you may contact INWTC (Mbi) as follows:-

Land line – 022-22151826

E mail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fax – 022-22154011

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