Fund Raising Play For YAI

Written by  Wednesday, 20 July 2011 05:30

Aprakrita Shankar Narayanan, a student of Dhirubhai Ambani International School is organising a fund raising programme for the Yachting Association of India (YAI) and the Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA). As part of this fundraising, Naseeruddin Shah and his troupe “Motley” will perform a 2 hour 15 minutes play titled, “The Caine Mutiny” on 03 Sep 2011 at the Mulla Auditorium, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai. The funds raised through the programme will benefit both the YAI and NWWA in a proportion of 75% to the YAI and 25% to the NWWA.

In response to why she was undertaking this task, Aprakrita, said, “I took to sailing and the sea as a child sailing optimist boats. After a few enjoyable years, my migraines forced me to give up sailing, but the splendor of our seas and the thrill of sailing have never really left me. India has more than 7600 sq km of coastline and over 30,000 sq km of waterfront along rivers, lakes and reservoirs. There is a huge potential for development of yachting in India. We can also be at the forefront of all yachting activities which can engage thousands of Indians – from community sailing schools and yacht clubs, to international competitions. I have always had the urge to do something to make sailing accessible to all, especially, the underprivileged children”.

Adding, further, she said, “As a young student, I had been fascinated by the men in white. As my curiosity was getting the better of me regarding these men in white and their families, I had the good fortune of interacting with Admiral and Mrs Nirmal Verma. It was through them that I learnt about the sterling efforts put in by the NWWA to look after the naval wives in general and widows in particular. The NWWA provides moral support, advice, referral service and, helps the widows of its personnel to achieve financial independence and return to the main stream of normal living.

Admiral Nirmal Verma, Chief of the Naval Staff and President YAI and Mrs Verma, President NWWA will witness the play, alongwith other high profile personalities who have donated for this cause.

Read 1897 times Last modified on Sunday, 07 April 2013 20:49

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