Message From Newly Elected President YAI

Written by  Friday, 30 December 2016 00:00

1.        It has been an exciting week sincemy election as President of Yachting Association of India (YAI) and I am truly honoured to have the opportunity to steer YAI.

2.       It is a great opportunity for me to understand the functioning of the YAI and contribute to the best of my capacity. I have visited some of the sailing locations and amazed at the remarkable evolution of the new equipment over the decades and its transformation from the erstwhile Enterprise and OK Dinghy.

3.       I am aware that many of the ‘Member clubs’ are aspiring to promote sailing and broad base the sport which is definitely a good sign for the sport of yachting. Together our aim should be to enhance the efficiency of support services and enable the provisions of World class sailing infrastructure within available resources (Financial and Material) to optimize expenditure and provide the best value.

4.       The other aspect which I would like to impress upon is Training. I am aware that for the last six months the training has come to a standstill since the Chief National Coach and his assistant’s contracts got terminated. It is understood that the Sports Authority of India has accepted YAI’s proposal to appoint new Coach, who is going to join us soon. My aim would be to ensure that the curriculum, material support and training programs are offered to all deserving yachtspersons and to maintain high standard of training.

5.       I am a person who believes in performance, to represent India, I would urge all the yachtspersons to ensure world class performance in the competitions so as to win awards and medals at the highest level to bring credit to the nation. I would be glad to encourage and reward talented sailors to develop them into future champions of the sport.

6.       Dear yachting fraternity, as President YAI, I would like to promote an environment that encourages and rewards fairness and treats all individuals and member clubs fairly and equitably regardless of their standing.

7.       The YAI as apex body for the sport will continue contributing fruitfully to the development of yachting in India and provide mentorship to all its affiliated members for competitive and leisure sailing alike.

8.       We, together must plan to consolidate our achievements and introspect on our weak areas so as to ensure better preparedness for the challenges which lie ahead of us.  

Jai Hind






Read 1583 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 August 2018 12:24

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