Selection Policy 2013 -16

Written by  Wednesday, 26 September 2012 05:30

The YAI has adopted a new selection policy for fleet racing classes, for ranking and selection of National teams in all disciplines of dinghy sailing. As per the new system approved by the council the sailors will be ranked over a low point ranking system. The results of the last three ranked events will be considered for selecting the national squad as well as for the participation in international competition.

In addition funding guidelines based on minimum standards to be achieved by competitors at specified ISAF Youth Worlds/ ISAF World Cup/ Class World cup will be applied. Sailors who fail to achieve minimum standards for continued funding support at any stage during 2013-16 are liable to be removed from the funding program.

The Selection policy 2013-16, Ranking System effective 01 Jan 2013, Athlete Agreement Form, and Membership form can be downloaded from link provided below.

Read 2093 times Last modified on Saturday, 23 March 2013 20:55

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