Written by  Monday, 27 August 2018 00:00
Indian sailors have made good progress by the end of the third day of the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta. As things stand today, there are fairly high hopes of winning a few medals stated a senior official of the Yachting Association of India (YAI). 
The 49er team of Varun Thakkar-Ganapathy, which was maintaining first position till Saturday had a tough Sunday, and they are now at the third spot. However, with Monday being a rest day for the yachting team, and the races only half way yet, the duo seems in a good position to improve further. 
Varsha Gautham-Shweta Shervegar, of 49er FX, who were in the third spot till Saturday, very creditably jumped one position to the second spot. Appreciating their performance, the YAI official stated that the team definitely appears set to retain the lead and are even hopeful of improving their performance further.
Govind Bairagi of Laser 4.7 who started the races at the sixth position at the end of Day 1, climbed to the third spot on Saturday and has retained it at the end of Day 3. 
Nethra of Laser Radial is at the fourth position well within range of a podium finish and Harshita Tomar of Laser 4.7 is at the seventh position. The RS One team of Dayne and Katya Coelho is at the eighth position. 
The YAI has over the past year put the sailors through a well planned training program with assistance of the SAI and MYAS. The YAI has also provided them with international coaches, who are ex Olympians. The positioning of three containers full of equipment for training and competing has ensured that the Indian sailors are fully equipped to do the country proud. 
By placing 'India First' the YAI has extended encouragement and support to each and every sailor who is representing India at the Asian Games. With a few more days of sailing left, the Indian Yachting Team is in high spirits and eagerly looking forward to producing good results.
Read 1167 times Last modified on Monday, 27 August 2018 10:15

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