Written by  Thursday, 30 August 2018 00:00


India is assured at least two medals in the ongoing Asian Games in Jakarta. Harshita Tomar, in the Laser 4.7 category has reached the third position, while Govind Bairagi is holding the fourth position in the same category. Laser 4.7 race is an open category, where males and females compete in the same race.

The penultimate day of the race, September 29, was a good one for Tomar, who came first and second in the races today, thus climbing from the fourth to the third spot at the end of the sixth day. With both the third and fourth spots being held by Indian sailors, there is near certainity of at least one medal in this category, said a senior official from the Yachting Association of India (YAI). Both Tomar and Bairagi come from very humble backgrounds and are trained by the National Sailing School, Bhopal. The Madhya Pradesh government, under the aegis of the YAI, has supported several sailors from impoverished backgrounds. The effort is clearly bearing fruit.

Meanwhile, the duo of Varsha Gautham-Shweta Shervegar, of 49er FX, have maintained their second position spot. The duo has consistently maintained this position since the beginning of the races. The girls have shown great diligence and consistency in their performance, said the YAI.

The 49er team of Varun Thakkar-Ganapathy, which was at second spot, received a set back when the Oman team which was in the third position, made a protest against them. The protest was upheld by the games officials, resulting in the Indian duo slipping into fourth spot. ``We are confident that Thakkar and Ganapathy will take this development as a challenge and rise to the occasion to regain lost ground,’’ the YAI said.

Among the remaining sailors, Nethra of Laser Radial has maintained her fifth position. The RS One team of Dayne and Katya Coelho is at the eighth position.

There is only one race left in each category, all of which will be conducted on August 31. The YAI is confident that the team of sailors representing India will do us all proud.

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