Report - General Body Meeting

Written by  Tuesday, 22 October 2013 11:20

The 45th Meeting of the General Body of the YAI was held at 1700 hrs on 17 Oct 2013 at the USI, New Delhi. Members Clubs and a large number of Life and Annual Associate members attended the meeting.  Representative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports was also present at the AGM.

The meeting began with opening address by the President, Admiral DK Joshi PVSM AVSM YSM NM VSM ADC. He highlighted that over preceding months the sport had drifted for a variety of reasons. He further added that the election process had been completed with full backing of the Sports Ministry as regards the way we had conducted our elections and all our dealings were fair and transparent.   The new Council was unanimous in its view to focus on regaining the lost ground and on preparing our athletes for the forthcoming Asian Championships and Asian Games 2014.

The Hon Secretary General Cmde Dhiren Vig and Treasurer Cmde (Retd) AS Bajwa presented their reports for the year 2011-12 & 2012-13 and 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 respectively. Capt Amish Ved, Chairman Sailing Performance Development Committee presented a report on performance analysis of sailors at overseas competitions in different classes of boats and the Annual Calendar for Training & Competition upto 31 Mar 2014 which had been approved by the Sports Authority of India.  Capt T Jaiswal, Director of Training presented his report on the National Sail Training Schemes.

This was followed by discussions on agenda items.

The YAI Annual Awards for the year 2011 and 2012 were also presented at the meeting.

Minutes of the AGM will be available on the website shortly.

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