45th General Body Meeting

Written by  Monday, 14 October 2013 00:00

The Annual General Body Meeting of the Yachting Association of India will be held in New Delhi at 1700 Hrs on Thursday 17 October 2013. The highlight of the AGM will be the presentation of Annual Awards for the years 2011 and 2012.

The General Body Meeting shall deal with the following agenda points:

  • Confirming the Minutes of the previous General Body Meeting.
  • Consideration of Audited Accounts of the YAI for the Financial Years 2010 -11, 2011 -12 and 2012 -13.
  • Appointment of Auditors for the current Financial Year.
  • Addition of age clause Article in the constitution of the YAI.

Members had suggested additional points, other than the subjects listed in the notice for discussion at the General Body Meeting. These are not included in the agenda for reasons highlighted below.

Agenda Points received from Royal Bombay Yacht Club have been listed as grievances in the Writ Petition 2062/2013, CM 3915/2013 and CM 5409/2013 filed by the Boardsailing Association and others against the YAI in the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. The Writ Petition is listed for hearing on 03 Dec 2013 and since the matter is sub judice, the points are not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Points received from the Army Yachting Node, Mumbai pertaining to details of expenditure incurred by the YAI/SAI/MoYAS wrt to participation of Indian yachting teams at overseas events with and without the foreign coach or support staff and those pertaining to selection policy, selection trials and participation in Asian Sailing Championships 2013 and Asian Games 2014 are being covered in the presentation being made by Chairman Sailing Performance Development Committee and are not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Points received from the Army Yachting Node, Mumbai pertaining to procurement of equipment under 75% subsidy scheme of the MoYAS and pertaining to requirement of Annual Associate Membership and payment of membership fee are being covered in the presentation being made by Hon Secretary General and is not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Point received from the Army Yachting Node, Mumbai pertaining to details of children trained under National Sail Training Schemes and numbers who have participated at recent National Championships are being covered in the presentation being made by YAI’s Director of Training and are not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Point received from the National Optimist Association, Pune pertaining to withdrawal of Optimist boats procured under 75% subsidy scheme of the MoYAS in 2009 for non-participation at Optimist National Championships and its subsequent re-allocation are being covered in the presentation being made by Hon Secretary General and is not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Point received from Lt Cdr (Retd) F Tarapore, Mumbai pertaining to review of status of Match Racing Association as recommended by the Study Group in its report. The Study Group Report is listed as one of the grievances in the Writ Petition 2062/2013, CM 3915/2013 and CM 5409/2013 filed by the Boardsailing Association and others against the YAI in the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. The Writ Petition is listed for hearing on 03 Dec 2013 and the matter being sub judice is not being included in the agenda.

Agenda Point received from Royal Madras Yacht Club, Chennai pertaining to disciplinary action against an individual member is being referred to the YAI’s Disciplinary and Ethics Sub Committee and is not being included in the agenda.

Read 2239 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 14:28

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