YAI Council Meeting

Written by  Tuesday, 10 September 2013 12:29

A meeting of the YAI Council took place on 09 Sep 13 at New Delhi with numerous subjects about the sport discussed.

The first full meeting of the YAI Council since completion of the elections in August 2013 was an opportunity for the Council Members to share challenges and goals of their respective committees. The Council meeting included appointment of Chairpersons of various YAI Sub Committees and their roles and responsibilities and presentations about the work and priorities of committees and sub-committees.

The Council co – opted Lieutenant Commander Abhilash Tomy KC to the Council in terms of provisions at Article 9 (b) (iv) of the YAI rules.

The 2013 YAI’s Annual General Body Meeting will be held in New Delhi on 17 October 2013. More information about the YAI’s forthcoming AGM meeting will be available on the website.

The YAI is now seeking nominations from amongst members for appointment to the YAI Committees and Sub Committees. The Nominations period will be open during 10 Sep to 02 Oct 2013. Nomination forms can be downloaded from link provided below.

Minutes of the decisions and confirmation of the decisions made will be published on the YAI website in due course.

Read 2863 times Last modified on Monday, 16 September 2013 12:59

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