Notice - 46th General Meeting

Written by  Tuesday, 11 November 2014 00:00

The 46th General Body Meeting of the Members of the Yachting Association of India will be held on Tuesday, 09 December 2014 at 1400 hrs at Varunika, Nau Sena Bagh I, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, 110021.

Notice of any resolution/nomination to be proposed at this meeting shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary General by 20 November 2014.

The President or Secretary of the affiliated State Association, President or Vice President of the affiliated Class Association and Commodore or the Vice Commodore of the affiliated Sailing Club is required to appoint by name a Life Associate Member of the YAI as its representative who shall exercise all its rights of voting at the General Body Meeting. Production of written authorisation by the bearer to vote on behalf of such “Member Clubs” at the meeting is mandatory requirement.

In case the President or Secretary of the affiliated State Association, President or Vice President of the affiliated Class Association and Commodore or the Vice Commodore of the affiliated Sailing Club nominate different person, the person authorised by the President of the affiliated State Association, President of the affiliated Class Association and Commodore of the affiliated Sailing Club shall be deemed to be the duly authorised person irrespective of the date of authorisation.

Each affiliated Member Club is therefore requested to intimate the name of its representative latest by 01 December 2014. This intimation must be addressed to the Hon Secretary General on the letter head of the Member Club duly signed by the President or Secretary of the affiliated State Association, President or Vice President of the affiliated Class Association and Commodore or the Vice Commodore of the affiliated Sailing Club. Any change in the name of any authorised representative after 01 December 2014 or any intimation received thereafter shall only be permitted with the approval of the President of the YAI.

The detailed procedure for conduct of AGM can be found in the YAI General Rules.

Read 2416 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 14:54

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