YAI AGM: Sweeping Governance Reforms Adopted

Written by  Thursday, 19 November 2015 00:00

The 47th Meeting of the General Body of the YAI was held at 1630 hrs on 18 Nov 2015 at Varunika, Nau Sena Bagh I, Chanakyapuri New Delhi. A large number of Member Clubs, Life Associate Members and Annual Associate Members were present.

Lasting over four and half hours, sweeping governance reforms, such as Membership, Membership Privileges, Members Obligations, Members Suspension or Expulsion, Procedure for No Confidence Motion Against Office Bearers & Council Members, Voting Rights, Eligibility Conditions for Elections, Regulations and Election of Office Bearers dominated the agenda.  

The Hon Secretary General and Treasurer presented their reports for the year 2015 respectively.

The President YAI, Admiral RK Dhowan PVSM AVSM YSM ADC presented the YAI Annual Awards for the year 2015.

The Engineer-in-Chief Trophy for most promising lady sailor was awarded to Ms Nethra Kumanan’ of TNSA for her consistent performance at National & International level.

Admiral Nadkarni Trophy for showing promising performance during the year was awarded to Master Dayne Coelho of Goa Beach Sports Academy.

Admiral RH Tahiliani Trophy for the yachtsman of the year was awarded to Ms Harshita Tomar for her consistent performance at National level and outstanding performance at the IODA Asian & Oceanic Championship 2015.

Admiral Kohli Trophy was awarded to Mr Upendra Jain, Director Sports Govt. of MP & Commodore of NSS Bhopal for promoting the sport of yachting.  

The Minutes of the AGM will be available on the website shortly.

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