Race Management Clinic 2016

Written by  Monday, 25 April 2016 00:00

A National Clinic is being organised by the YAI and is run by ISAF appointed Race Management Clinic Instructor at Chennai during 06 - 10 Jun 2016. There is an exam associated with the Clinic and a pass is one of the requirements for the NRO qualification. The pass mark for the examination is set at 85%.  The preparation for the Clinic includes being very familiar with the ISAF Race Management Guide.  

Candidates attending this seminar must have sufficient experience as a Race Officer unless there are exceptional circumstances. Existing National Race Officers are encouraged to attend as a refresher. Senior officials of Classes are welcome to attend so they can experience first hand what is being taught to the race managers.

The closing date for applications to attend the National Race Management Clinic is 20 May 2016 and a Clinic cost of Rs. 3,500/- must be paid alongwith the application. The application form can be downloaded from the link below.

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