Annual Calendar of Training and Competition FY 2015 - 16

Written by  Wednesday, 29 April 2015 00:00

The Sports Authority of India has approved the Annual Calendar for Training and Competition for the FY 2015 - 16. The ACTC will provide opportunities for the selected athletes to repersent India at overseas competitions and to further refine their sailing abilities in the build-up towards the 2016 Olympic and 2018 Asian Games.

The primary focus of the ACTC is to ensure that there is a progressively increasing level of depth within the Indian team to ensure a sustainable future for the Indian sailors for years to come.

The annual outlay proposed by the YAI was Rs. 5.6 crores, however, the Sports Authority has approved financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 3.50 crores, which is an increase of over 20 percent in the outlay sanctioned during FY 2014 - 15.

A copy of the ACTC 2015 - 16 is available for download in the "Documents & Rules" section.

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