2016 National Squad Announced

Written by  Wednesday, 27 January 2016 00:00

The Selection Committee of the YAI has announced the National Squad for 2016. The National Squad will provide development opportunities for the selected athletes to refine their sailing abilities in the build-up towards 2018 Asian Games.

The primary focus of the National Squad is to ensure that there is a progressively increasing level of depth within the Indian team to ensure a sustainable future for the Indian sailors for years to come.

The National Squad is composed of 'A' and 'B' squads. The sailors in the 'A' squad are fully funded whilst the sailors in the 'B' squad are encouraged to particpate in select overseas events. In the two years preceding the Junior World Cup, the focus is on an under 21 age group, while during the rest of the cycle, the National Junior Squad supports athletes at an under 23 age group. As such, in preparation for the 2016 Junior World Cup, athletes born in 1995 or later are eligible for selection in 2016, and athletes born in 1996 or later are eligible for selection for selection in 2017.

Athletes have been assessed across the past years National Championships, performance at overseas events, likelihood of maturing into a potential medal winner based on skills, commitment and ability as observed by the coaches including the National Coaching Camps held last year.

A copy fo the Squad list can be downloaded from here

Read 3165 times Last modified on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 15:28

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