Asian Games 2018 - Events Announced

Written by  Thursday, 27 November 2014 00:00

The Annual General Body Meeting of the Asian Sailing Federation (ASAF) was held on 22 Sep 2014 at Incheon, S Korea. The General Body has unanimously approved 12 of the classes of boats which will be competed at the 18th Asian Games to be held at Jakarta, Indonesia in 2018. The decision to decide the balance two classes had been left to Indonesia, the host nation as per earlier traditions followed by the ASAF.

Indonesia has recommended inclusion of two other youth classes namely RS: One for Boys and Girls. This recommendation has been accepted by the Olympic Council of Asia and accordingly, the sailing competition at the Asian Games 2018 at Jakarta, Indonesia will be held in the following classes:-

Men / Boys Women / Girls
Laser Standard Laser Radial
 470  470
 49er  49er FX
RS: One RS: One
Laser 4.7 Laser 4.7
Optimist Optimist

This is the first time in the history of Asian Games sailing competition that the competing classes have been announced four years in advance.  

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