Elections 2014

Written by  Sunday, 24 August 2014 00:00

The last election of the Office Bearers and Council Members of the YAI was completed on 26 August 2013 and the members elected for a term of four years. However, consequent upon resignation by four members, prior to completion of their tenure, these posts had fallen vacant.

In order to fill in the vacant posts for remainder terms of the Council ie upto 25 Aug 2017, the YAI Council had recommended to conduct the elections at a Special General Body to be convened on 29 August 2014 at New Delhi for the conduct of elections. The YAI Council had also recommended that the elections be conducted in accordance with the provisions contained in the YAI Constitution read in conjunction the National Sports Development Code of India 2011. Accordingly, the Honorary Secretary General had issued the Notice for Elections.

The detailed Election Schedule was also prepared and placed on the YAI website. Each affiliated “Member Club” was requested to intimate the name of its authorised representative to the YAI Secretariat by 13 August 2014 so as to enable the YAI Sectt to prepare the list of authorised representatives of Member Clubs in “Form 1”.  A total of 40 authorisation letters from “Member Clubs” were received till 14 August 2014 and the Electoral College promulgated.

Four nominations were received for the four vacant positions of the Office Bearers and Council Members of the YAI. The list of nominations received was recorded by the Returning Officer in Form 3 on 20 August 2014 and a copy placed on the YAI website. The Returning Officer undertook scrutiny of the nominations on 21 August 2014. No candidate or his representative was present to witness the scrutiny of nominations. The nominations of the following candidates were found to be valid by the Returning Officer:-

  • President - Admiral RK Dhowan PVSM AVSM YSM ADC
  • Vice President - Lt Gen Rajiv Bhalla SM VSM
  • Chairman National Classes Committee - Vice Admiral Satish Soni PVSM AVSM NM ADC

The list of validly nominated candidates was prepared on Form 4 and a copy placed on the YAI website. Each of the validly nominated candidates was given an opportunity to withdraw their nominations till 1100 hrs on 24 August 2014. At 1115 Hrs on 24 August 2014, the final list of contesting candidates was prepared by the Returning Officer in Form 6.

Since the number of contesting candidates for each of the vacant post in ‘Form 6’ is equal to the number of posts to be filled, the candidates are deemed to be duly elected unopposed to these posts and it is not necessary to take a poll for election to these posts.

Therefore, the Special General Body Meeting convened at 1500 hrs on 29 August 2014 at Varunika, Nausena Bagh, New Delhi for election to fill in the vacant posts will therefore now not be held.

Read 2645 times Last modified on Monday, 25 August 2014 13:43

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