Written by  Thursday, 26 October 2017 00:00

The Yachting Association of India is pleased to announce National Championship 2017 from 21 to 25 Dec 2017 at Krishnapatnam (AP).

YAI National Championship for the year 2017, a multiclass ranking event for seniors and youth classes will be held at Krishnapatnam, Nellore (AP) from 21 to 25 Dec 17. The sailing conditions off Krishnapatnam port will offer ideal sailing environment to the best in the country to compete.

The last event saw 228 sailors in senior classes and 108 sailors in youth classes. Record entries are expected for the 2017 National Champioship with heightened interest being generated from the upcoming  Asian Sailing Championship and the Asian Games in 2018.

The other details will be available through the NOR.  

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