Written by  Monday, 30 October 2017 00:00

All ‘Member Clubs”  are requested to forward proposed sailing events with dates for the calendar year 2018  latest by 10 Nov 17 in the following format:- 


Class and Category Date Event Venue Organising Authority


The Member Clubs may like to note that the Indian teams would be participating in some of the major International regattas in 2018 as mentioned below:-


Event Duration
Asian Sailing Championship 2018      24 Jun – 30 Jun 2018
Aarhus Sailing World Championships 2018 30 Jul – 15 Aug 2018
Asian Games 2018 18 Aug – 02 Sep 2018


The date and Venue for the YAI National Championship will decided separately by the YAI Council. 

The NOR for YAI National Championship is attached in the link below.

 NOR for YAI National Championship

Read 1827 times Last modified on Wednesday, 01 November 2017 11:11

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