16th Asian Sailing Championships 2013

Written by  Wednesday, 27 March 2013 14:55

The 16th Asian Sailing Championships will be held in Incheon, South Korea, from 1 September to 9 September 2013.  The event is being organised by the Korean Sailing Federation, the Asian Sailing Federation, the Incheon Asian Games Organising Committee and the foillowing classes will be competed at the event:

International 420 (2 persons)
International 470 (2 persons)
RS: X (1 person)
Mistral (1 person)
International Optimist (1 person)
International Laser Standard (1 person)
Techno 293

International 420 (2 persons)
International 470 (2 persons)
RS: X (1 person)
Mistral (1 person)
International Optimist (1 person)
Laser Radial
49er FX
Techno 293

Multihull (Hobie 16) (2 persons)
Match Racing ALT 7000 (4 or 5 persons, with maximum total weight 340 kg)
Open 29er (youth under 19 years old)

The NOR can be downloaded from the link provided below.

Read 1974 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 April 2013 11:33

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