Employment Opportunities

Written by  Wednesday, 23 October 2013 12:59

Are you ambitious and want to be part of the YAI's coaching team?

We need 2 people with a high personal level of  integrity.  

What we look for in someone who wants to join our team:  First and foremost, sailing experience and knowledge and strong desire to learn. Committed to achieving set goals. College education with good writing and speaking skills. You will be over 20, with no maximum age if your fitness level is good, dedicated to team success, able to take orders and then act independently.  You will have good communication and organisational skills, be disciplined in your approach to employment and life, and be happy to focus on team rather than personal glory.

Good salary (30k), opportunities for travel to successful applicant and high quality “on the job” training provided.  Good future prospects to the right people.

Apply now for this government funded opportunity and forward your resumes with cover letter to reach us by 05 November 2013.


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