29er Euro Cup - Two Silver Medals for India

Written by  Monday, 04 November 2013 00:00

After seven 29er Euro Cup events spread over 10 months in seven different European nations, the Indian Boys Team of Ganapathy & Varun and the Girls team of Varsha & Aishwarya have won the overall 29er Euro Cup Silver medals in the Boys and Girls category respectively.

Ganapathy & Varun competing for the first time on Lake Garda, Trentino, also won a Bronze medal by finishing third in the final 29er Euro Cup 2013 event from amongst 67 crews repersenting nine different nations. The Girls finished fifth amongst Girls category at this event.

In the past four years the 29er Euro Cup has evolved considerably with a rejuvenated fleet which has grown numerically and technically.

The 29er has been included as a competing class for Women at the forthcoming Asian Sailing Championships 2014 and Asian Games 2014.

Read 2307 times Last modified on Monday, 04 November 2013 12:45

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