Asian Games 2014 - Varsha & Aishwarya win a Bronze

Written by  Tuesday, 30 September 2014 00:00

Varsha Gautham and Aishwarya Neduchezian, today scripted a piece of sailing history in the Incheon Asian Games by becoming the first ever Indian women to win a Bronze medal for India at the Asian Games. Varsha Gautham also made it to the history books by becoming the youngest athlete from India amongst the medal winners at this Asian Games.

Varsha and Aishwarya thanked the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt of India, the Sports Authority of India, the Yachting Association of India and the Tamil Nadu Sailing Association for the key role played by each of them in their winning this medal. They both also thanked their coaches Peter David Conway and Captain Amish Ved, without whom this would not have been possible.

Both of them drew the attention of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports for the immediate need for setting up of a 'Sailing Centre of Excellence', with state of the art facilities which are tailored to the specific needs of the sport, at a site in Chennai which launches directly into the sea and has excellent sailing conditions throughout the year.

The team is now looking forward to qualifying for the Olympic 2016 in the 49er FX Class.

Read 4763 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 15:05

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