Scrutiny of Nominations - YAI Council Elections

Written by  Wednesday, 05 June 2013 18:30

Justice (Retd) Ms Usha Mehra, Chairperson and members of the Balloting Committee met today at 1530 Hrs to scrutinise the nominations received for candidates to the twelve elective positions on the YAI Council. An independent observer of the Indian Olympic Association was also present at the meeting.

Welcoming the participants, the Chairperson gave a brief on the tasks that were required to be carried out by the Committee in scrutinising the nominations to abide by the notifications of the Election Notice issued vide YAI letter No YAI/ Election/2013 -17 dated 30 April 2013.

On completion of the scrutiny of the submitted nomination papers the Balloting Committee has declared a total of 14 candidates eligible for contesting in the YAI Council elections. 

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Balloting Committee can be downloaded from the link provided below.

Read 1860 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 June 2013 18:41

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