Gaurav Shinde Set To Circumnavigate The Globe

Written by  Thursday, 04 July 2013 11:10

Gaurav Shinde, a Search Quality Evaluator at Google India, an avid blogger and photographer will circumnavigate the globe during the ninth edition of the Clipper Race, which starts on Sunday 1 September. The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is a unique event which offers anyone the chance to sail around the world no matter their previous experience; many take part with none before their Level 1 training. The race will take Gaurav 40,000 Miles across all continents in the world.  


The boats will race from United Kingdom to Brazil in the first leg, Brazil to South Africa in the second, South Africa to Western Australia in the third, West Australian port to New Zealand to East Australian port in the fourth, East Australia port to Singapore to China in the fourth, China to Western USA port in the fifth, Western USA through Panama canal to Eastern USA, Eastern USA through Canada and Ireland to finish back in the United Kingdom.

Gaurav has been on winning teams of the Offshore National Championships, conducted by the Offshore Sailing Club, Kochi and the Headquarters Southern Naval Command of the Indian Navy. Gaurav was part of the winning teams 2008 and 2011.

Gaurav is currently undergoing two months of extensive training in UK before the start of the race. Prior to leaving for UK he underwent training with the Indian Navy's Commander Dilip Donde and LCdr Abhilash Tomy (both of whom have the distinction of being India's only Solo Circumnavigators on board INSV Mahadei).

Gaurav’s participation is sponsored by large number local corporate and individual donors. SAATH a non-governmental organization registered as a public charitable trust in Gujarat, India is one of the principle donors and supporter.

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