Coach Development Clinic

Written by  Friday, 06 September 2013 16:08

A Coach Development Clinic is being organised at Chennai during 21 -28 Sept 13. The Clinic is focused on the development of the individual’s skills as a Club Coach and their attitude to be successful on and off the field. Coach Development Clinic features detailed skill development through a proven system of progressive teaching and feedback. Our supervising level of instruction ensures quality and consistency within a positive, disciplined and focused environment in which to learn and improve.  

The Coach Development Program is broken up into three parts:

  • Nomination, selection & completion of pre-requisites
  • Coach Development Course
  • Mentoring Period & Evaluation

Eligible Candidates:

  • Have previous sail - racing experience (preference for having campaigned in an ISAF - recognized class)
  • Have a genuine interest in becoming and / or developing personally and professionally as a coach
  • Have experience as a sailor or associated with Race Team programs
  • Have more than two year experience as a YAI certified Sailing Instructor

Pre- requisites:

Note that if prerequisites 1 -2 are not complete in time for the clinic, then applicant must present a plan for fulfilling them following the clinic and prior to certification.

  1. YAI Recreational Powerboat Certification
  2. First Aid Certificate with CPR

Application Process: Applications to the Coach Development Program will be submitted to the Chairman Sailing Performance Development Committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and will be reviewed by the Sailing Performance Development Committee.

All Candidate Applications must include:

  • Coach Development Program Fee of Rs. 7,500/- per head payable by DD drawn in favour of the Yachting Association of India, New Delhi
  • Sailing CV - including proof of competency in relevant racing experience (typically at national level or higher championships as recognized by  YAI or ISAF). A preference exists for candidates who have campaigned in ISAF - recognized class.
  • Letter of Intent - from the candidate explaining why they would like to be considered for the course, what they will do with their CDP training in the following years, and what preparation they are currently taking to get prepared for the course (i.e. coaching alongside an existing qualified coach).
  • Endorsement Letter from Club & / or Recognised Training Centre – Letter(s) to include an explanation of why the candidate has been endorsed.

Successful candidates will be awarded Club Coach Certification.

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