Notice - 45th General Meeting

Written by  Monday, 16 September 2013 15:22

The 45th General Meeting of the Yachting Association of India will take place on 17 October 2013 at 1700 Hrs at the United Service Institution of India, Rao Tula Ram Marg (Opposite Signals Enclave), New Delhi 110 010.

Notice of any resolution/nomination to be proposed at this meeting should be sent to the Honorary Secretary General within 10 days of the receipt of Notice calling for a General Meeting.

A “Member Club” is entitled to depute one or more representative to attend on its behalf the General Body meeting of the YAI but shall appoint only one of them by name to exercise all its rights of voting. The appointment of AGM delegates must be notified to the Honorary Secretary General by 17:00 Hrs on Monday 07 October 2013. The form must be signed by the President or Secretary General (or equivalent in position) of the “Member Club”. Production of written authorisation to the bearer to vote on such Member Clubs behalf at the meeting is mandatory requirement.

Full information about the procedure for the AGM is available in the YAI General Rules.

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