Peter Conway Appointed Head Coach

Written by  Monday, 17 June 2013 00:00

The Sports Authority of India has hired Peter Conway as head coach for the Yachting Association of India’s sailing programs effective 11 June 2013 on a short term contract up to 31 Aug 13.

Peter Conway brings a decorated résumé to the table as the head coach.

Pete will be responsible for training of youth teams participating at the IODA World Championship 2013, ISAF Youth World Championship 2013 and IODA Asian Championship 2013. He will also accompany teams for other preparatory events during this period.


"I am very excited to be re-appointed," Pete exclaimed. "Sailing is a passion that I am ready to share with the team members. I am looking forward to continuing to expand on the already a very solid foundation of the sailing program for junior sailors that was put into place during my earlier stints.”

Pete's staff will feature two assistant coaches to be announced at a later date.

Read 3627 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 September 2013 11:20

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