Asian Games 2014

Written by  Thursday, 30 January 2014 13:14

The 2014 Asian Games, officially known as the XVII Asiad, is the largest sporting event in Asia governed by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). It is scheduled to take place in Incheon, South Korea from September 19 – October 4, 2014, with 437 events in 36 sports and disciplines set to feature in the Games.

The Notice of Race for the sailing events for the XVII Asiad has been issued and can be downloaded from link below.

The Selection trials for selecting Indian yachting team is tentatively scheduled to be held at Visakhapatnam during 07 - 17 April 2014, subject to approval of the YAI Council, which is scheduled to meet at New Delhi on 10 Feb 2014. The Notice of Race for the selection trials will be issued by mid Feb 2014.

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