Taking Sailing To Schools Goes To Port Blair

Written by  Wednesday, 28 September 2011 05:30

Yachting Association of India (YAI) in association with Andaman and Nicobar Island Industrial Development Corporation (ANIIDCO) with the aim to showing the local population in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the fun and exciting sport of sailing is organising a Sailing Development programme, named “Taking Sailing To Schools” during Oct 2011.

This programme in the first phase is being offered to schools throughout the Andaman & Nicobar Islands and is designed to give students in age group of 8 through 13 years the opportunity to experience the thrills and spills of sailing in a safe & well managed environment and most importantly, have fun!

Training team of the YAI visited 22 schools in Port Blair during 19 to 24 Sep 2011 and interacted with the school children. A multimedia presentation of about 30 minutes and a short quiz on sailing, environment, water life and team work were conducted by the officials from the YAI.  The YAI has now invited 20 children from each of these schools daily to experience sailing at the Naval Sailing Club between 03 - 30 Oct. The children will be introduced to the sport under qualified instructors. The YAI shall present a suitable certificate on completion of the programme.

Having witnessed such tremendous enthusiasm for the sport from the school children and the natural surroundings ideally suited for the sport of sailing, the YAI firmly believes that very soon they would be able to successfully host both National and International level yachting events here. The sailing programme will also provide a unique opportunity for growth sports tourism to further develop the sport of sailing in the Islands.

Admiral Nirmal Verma, PVSM AVSM ADC, the Chief of the Naval Staff and President YAI, will inaugurate the “Taking Sailing To Schools” programme at Port Blair on 02 Oct 2011 at the Naval Sailing Club, Port Blair.

Read 2177 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 April 2013 11:34

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